Dragon Ball Super Card Game UW2 Booster Display or pack Vermilion Bloodline second edition


Product Description

Introducing the Dragon Ball Super Card Game UW2 Booster Display Vermilion Bloodline Second Edition. This booster display is a must-have for fans and collectors of the Dragon Ball Super Card Game. Packed with exciting cards, this set offers a thrilling expansion to your gameplay experience.

The UW2 Booster Display Vermilion Bloodline Second Edition features a wide variety of cards, including powerful characters, unique abilities, and strategic options. With each pack containing a total of 12 cards, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to strengthen your deck and explore new strategies.

Here’s a breakdown of the rarity types found in this booster display:

  • Common: This set includes a range of common cards, with both normal and foil versions available. These cards form the foundation of your deck and provide essential support for your strategies.
  • Uncommon: Discover a variety of uncommon cards, featuring special abilities and effects. Like the common cards, these are available in both normal and foil versions.
  • Rare: Unleash the power of rare cards, which offer increased strength and unique gameplay features. Collect these cards in their normal or foil versions to enhance your deck’s capabilities.
  • Super Rare: Find the highly sought-after super rare cards, which feature iconic characters and powerful abilities. These cards can give you a significant advantage in battles and are a prized addition to any collection.
  • Special Rare: This set also includes special rare cards, which are limited edition and highly collectible. These cards often boast stunning artwork and offer unique gameplay mechanics.
  • Secret Rare: Finally, the set features secret rare cards, the rarest and most exclusive cards in the series. These cards are highly sought after for their incredible power and rarity, and they often feature stunning artwork and unique abilities.

Expand your Dragon Ball Super Card Game collection with the UW2 Booster Display Vermilion Bloodline Second Edition. Collect your favourite characters, build powerful decks, and compete in exciting battles against friends and rivals.

Please note that the contents of each pack are randomized, ensuring a sense of surprise and discovery as you open each pack to unveil new cards.